Videos and
videos and more
videos from all of our “Affairs of the Heart” Conferences plus a great podcast “Heartbeats: A Conversation with The Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Experts.”
Videos are organized by topic for ease of viewing.
Videos range in time from 3 to 39 minutes.
OVERVIEW of Hcm and dcm
Ann Arbor 2015: Diagnosis of HCM/DCM, Imaging with Echo and MRI
Stanford 2016: The Heart Muscle
New Haven 2016: Overview of HCM and DCM
Ann Arbor 2017: Introduction to Cardiomyopathy: Sharlene Day, MD
Duke: 2017 Introduction to Cardiomyopathy – Andrew Wang, MD
Genetics of HCM and dcm
Boston 2014: Understanding Genetic Cardiomyopathy
Ann Arbor 2015: Research in Genetics, Stem Cell Modeling of Cardiomyopathy
Ann Arbor 2015: Family, Genetics and Genetic Testing
Stanford 2016: Genetics of Cardiomyopathy
New Haven 2016: Advances in Genetics
Treatment options for HCM and dcm
Boston 2014: Cardiomyopathy Treatment and Diagnosis
Ann Arbor 2015: Recognition and Treatment of Advanced Heart Failure
Ann Arbor 2015: Surgical Therapies for HCM and DCM
New Haven 2016: Current Standard Therapies
Ann Arbor 2017: Medical Treatment Lifestyle and Exercise: Sara Saberi MD and Mark Russel, MD
Duke 2017: Medical Treatment of HCM – Andrew Wang, MD
Duke 2017: Medical Treatment of DCM – Chet Patel, MD
Duke 2017: Surgical Treatment of Cardiomyopathy – Jeff Gaca, MD
Your Heart’s electrical system
Ann Arbor 2015: Management of Atrial Fib and Devices
New Haven 2016: Arrhythmias and Devices
Ann Arbor 2017: The Hearts Electrical System and Implantable Devices: Rakesh Latchemsetty, MD
Ann Arbor 2017: The Hearts Electrical System and Implantable Devices in Young Patients: David Bradley, MD
Duke 2017: The Hearts Electrical System – Sana Al-Khatib, MD
advances in research
Boston 2014: Cardiomyopathy Research Update
Ann Arbor 2015: Advances in Research, Current and Future opportunities
Stanford 2016: Cutting Edge Science: Dr. Euan Ashley
Stanford 2016: Advances in Research
New Haven 2016: Clinical Research
Ann Arbor 2017: Research in Cardiomyopathy: Sharlene Day, MD and Adam Helms, MD
lifestyle and parenting
Boston 2014: Psychosocial Aspects of living with Cardiomyopathy
Ann Arbor 2015: Special Considerations for the Pediatric Population
Ann Arbor 2015: Medical Treatment, Lifestyle and Exercise
Stanford 2016: Lifestyle and Behavior
New Haven 2016: Exercise and Lifestyle
Duke 2017: Exercise and Lifestyle with Cardiomyopathy
Ann Arbor 2017: Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Prachi Agarwal, MD
Duke 2017: Echo and MRI – Han Kim, MD
Duke 2017: Getting involved in research, Mike Felker, MD
Podcast from Dr. Euan Ashley, SHaRe Primary Investigator: Cardiologists love Genomics! (
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Aaron Murphy
1 (415) 229-3331